IP Messenger Issue Report Form

This is a contact form for issue report.

Plase use Contact Form instead, if you have questions or requests.

When you press submit button, messages may be displayed in Japanese. I’m investigating to correct it.

If there is a message over input field, value you input is not valid. Please correct value and retry to submit.

The result will be displayed under submit button. A message “あなたのメッセージは送信されました。ありがとうございました。” with green border means success. A message with yellow or red ( not green ) border means fail.

    Your Name (Required)
    Your E-Mail (Required)
    Summary (Required)
    Description (Required)
    Could you tell me the version of 'IP Messenger for MacOS X' ?

    Could you tell me the version of macOS (OS X / Mac OS X) ?

    Could you tell me the model of your Mac ?


    Steps to Reproduce
    Additional Information